Allianz SE Apps

Allianz WeatherSafe 2.4
Allianz SE
Free from Allianz Insurance, WeatherSafe isyour personal weather service with state-of-the-art forecastingincluding 7-day 3-hourly forecasts for over 2.3 million locationsworldwide and personalised severe weather alerts and advice.MAKE PLANSAllianz WeatherSafe lets you plan your social life andactivities with confidence, safe in the knowledge that the weatherwon’t put a dampener on things.
• 3-hourly forecasts
• 7-day forecasts
• 2.3 million locations worldwidePROTECT YOUR PROPERTYAllianz WeatherSafe also provides a catalogue of simple yethighly effective advice on how to protect your property duringsevere weather.
Advice for every season, including:
• Heavy Rain
• Storms/Strong Winds
• Freezing/Snow/Ice
• Excessive HeatEXTRA FEATURES
Registered users can also enjoy a range of extra featuresincluding:
• Severe weather alerts
• Linked Advice
• Satellite imagingAlerts
With advance warning you’ll be ready to protect your family, yourhome and your pet from severe weather.
• Receive personalised alerts for up to 3 locations anywherearound the world.
• Change locations at any timeVery convenient if you have a holiday home or are a frequenttraveler.SIGN INIf you want to unlock the full potential of Allianz WeatherSaferegister by visiting:

Remember, you can also register directly within the app.
Allianz 2.0
Allianz SE
Die Allianz App bietet Ihnen etwas völligNeues. Schnell, kurzfristig und einfach kann man sich nun übersSmartphone versichern, wann immer man es braucht.In der App können Sie 2 Versicherungen abschließen:1. AlpinSafe – die kurzfristige UnfallversicherungJETZT GRATIS FÜR 1 WOCHE TESTEN*: Damit Sie Ihre Freizeitunbeschwert genießen können!Der Abtransport nach einem Unfall kann teuer werden. Die Kosten füreine Hubschrauberbergung liegen bei durchschnittlich € 3.000.Sorgen Sie deshalb mit unserer AlpinSafe vor und versichern Siesich gegen die hohen Kosten.Egal ob Sie,- länger in den Urlaub fahren oder einen Tagesurlaub machen,- einen gemütlichen Spaziergang oder eine sportliche Wanderungmachen,- mit dem Fahrrad, Motorrad, Auto oder zu Fuß unterwegs sind.Unfälle können schnell passieren. Wir übernehmen im Fall des FallesIhre Kosten: Such- und Bergungskosten bis € 10.000 (inkl.Hubschrauberbergung) und Unfallkosten bis € 1.000.2. KidSafe – die Kinder-UnfallversicherungVon Kindesbeinen an sicher unterwegs. In der Kinderkrippe, amSchulweg & in der Freizeit! - JETZT EIN JAHR KOSTENLOSTESTEN*Darüber hinaus enthält die App: Notfallnummern, Hilfe bei einemSchadensfall, Informationen zu aktuellen Aktionen undGewinnspielen*Der Abschluss ist jetzt absolut frei von Kosten undVerpflichtungen. Der Schutz beginnt eine Stunde nach Abschluss undendet automatisch, es ist keine Kündigung erforderlich.The alliance app offerssomething completely new. Quick, short and simple, you can nowinsure over the phone, whenever you need it.In the app, you can take out two insurance policies:1 Alpine Safe - the short-term accident insuranceNOW FREE FOR 1 WEEK TRIAL *: You can enjoy your leisurecarefree!The removal of an accident can be expensive. The cost of ahelicopter rescue is on average € 3000. Therefore, ensure that ouralpine safe before and insure yourself against the high cost.Whether you- Longer go on vacation or take a day holiday,- A leisurely stroll or a sporty make hike,- Travel by bicycle, motorcycle, car or on foot.Accidents can happen quickly. We assume in the case of the caseyour costs: search and rescue costs up to € 10,000 (includinghelicopter rescue) and accident costs up to € 1,000.2 KidSafe - child accident insuranceSince childhood safely. In the nursery, at school and in their freetime! - NOW ONE YEAR FREE TRIAL *In addition, the app contains: Emergency numbers, assistance in theevent of damage, information on current promotions andsweepstakes* The degree is now absolutely free of cost and obligation. Thecoverage begins one hour after completion and will automaticallyterminate, it is no notice required.
Allianz Connect 1.2.9
Allianz SE
L’application Allianz Connect vous propose unesérie de services liés à votre véhicule assuré chez Allianz. Unepanne, un accident, besoin de contacter votre courtier, besoind’aide pour retrouver votre véhicule en stationnement ? AllianzConnect est votre ange gardien sur la route pour vous aider sansdélai et efficacement. En cas de pépin, vous ne serez plus jamaisseul.Contact avec le courtierVous avez besoin des coordonnées de votre courtier ? Avec l’appAllianz Connect, vous conservez toujours un lien direct et rapideavec votre courtier et avec Allianz.Déclarer une panne ou un accidentVotre véhicule est immobilisé ? Allianz Global Assistance disposeimmédiatement de toutes les informations de base nécessaires pourintervenir afin de vous envoyer de l’aide sur place le plusrapidement possible.En cas d’accident, vos données peuvent être transféréesautomatiquement à la compagnie.Trouver ma voitureCette fonctionnalité permet via le signal GPS d’enregistrerfacilement l’endroit où vous avez garé votre voiture pour laretrouver plus tard.Evaluer ma conduiteQuelle est l’incidence de votre conduite sur l’environnement ou surle confort de vos passagers ? Avec « Evaluer ma conduite », vouspouvez évaluer votre comportement routier (vitesse, accélérations,trajectoire, …) et vous entraîner. Vos données de conduiteenregistrées par l’app restent confidentielles. Elles ne sonttransmises qu’avec votre accord explicite.Allianz Connectapplication offers a series of services related to your vehicleinsured with Allianz. Breakdown, accident, need to contact yourbroker, need help to find your parked car? Allianz Connect yourguardian angel on the road to help you promptly and efficiently. Ifsomething goes wrong, you'll never be alone.Contact brokerYou need the name of your broker? With the app Allianz Connect, youstill retain a direct and fast connection with your broker andAllianz.Declaring a breakdown or accidentYour vehicle is? Allianz Global Assistance immediately has all thebasic information needed to intervene in order to send help on siteas quickly as possible.In case of accident, your data can be transferred automatically tothe company.Find My CarThis feature allows using the GPS signal to easily record where youparked your car to find it later.Evaluate my behaviorWhat is the impact of your driving on the environment or thecomfort of your passengers? With "Assessing my conduct," you canevaluate your driving behavior (speed, acceleration, trajectory,...) and train. Your driving data recorded by the app areconfidential. They are not transmitted without your explicitapproval.
well together 8.0.8
Allianz SE
With fun and games to a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle
Allianz Investor Relations 2.22.0
Allianz SE
The Allianz Investor Relations App keeps you up to date oncurrentdevelopments in the Allianz Group. 
 The App provides alldocumentsof interest to shareholders, investors and analystsclearlyarranged on a media shelf: Analysts presentations 
 AnnualandInterim reports 
Announcements SpreadsheetsInvestors'presentations 
Video interviews
 Podcasts of analystconferencesEmbedded Value Reports 
 Sustainability reportsNon-financialreports You can subscribe to individual categories sothat the appautomatically loads new documents and stores them inthe libraryeach time the app is opened. Advanced PDFfunctionalities makenavigation and viewing easier.
The app alsoshows current charts onthe development of Allianz's shares, shareprice data on peers andindices as well as prices and bond terms andconditions for Allianzbonds.
 Under "News" you will find pressreleases or InvestorRelations information regarding the release offinancial results,appointments and other issues. A financialcalendar keeps youinformed about important dates, such as analysts'conferences,press conferences and AGMs. If you wish, you cantransfer therelevant dates directly to your personal diary. 
 Welook forwardto your feedback. Our contact information can be foundin the app.